Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cambridge Family Photographer~Bohman Family {Sneak Peek}

I grew up with Becky, but I had never met her adorable children, so this was a very fun session for me!  It took me back to Becky and I as little girls, watching her daughter Kaity play.

The kids were pretty bored with me after about 20 min, but I was still able to capture so many adorable shots!!!

Thank you Becky, Kaity, Gabe and Ethan for enjoying an evening in the park with me :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Coon Rapids Family Photographer~Zeglen Family of 4 {Sneak Peek}

I love new clients, but return clients really make my business what it is!  The last time I worked with the Zeglen Family Arica was pregnant with Mason.  He is now walking and moving all over :)

I met up with them at the Coon Rapids Dam on October 2nd, at just about sunset.  It was absolutely gorgeous out!!!!

Here are a few of my faves...

 How adorable is he?!?!?!  Love those eyes!!!

 Gavin really just wanted to snuggle but he did great!

Such a handsome big brother

 I honestly think we nabbed the last of the Fall colors that day :)

Thanks again to all 4 of you for letting me capture family memories!!!!

Hillman Engagement Photographer~ Jerred & Heidi {Sneak Peek}

I have worked with this couple before, and was thrilled when they asked me to not only do their wedding next June, but also their engagement photos this fall!

I met with them a few Sunday's ago (9/30/2012) at the location of their wedding in Hillman, MN.  This place is spectacular!!!!

If you are an up-coming Bride, you might want to check out Rum River Barn & Vineyard, and ask for Carvin.

Here are a few of the shots from that day, I am impressed with all of them so it was really hard to pick and choose which ones to share!!!

Of course I had to share this one, too funny to leave out :)  We all know he asked!!!

Congratulations you two!  Thank you again for choosing to work with me during this incredible time of your lives <3