Monday, June 30, 2014

Lakeland Children's Photographer~ Cullen is 3 {Sneak Peek}

I had so much fun down on the river with Cullen and his family a couple weekends ago.  This little blue eyed boy has surely stolen my heart. 
He was so sweet and lively the entire session. Although he didn't sit still for long, I was still able to get some great shots!  Just love his little smile.  And to ice the cake, I got a big hug before I left.

Thanks so much Bellmore family for letting me come to your home and work with you all.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Blaine Newborn Photographer~ Macy, 1 week new {Sneak Peek}

Whenever I get the itch to have another little one, it just so happens that I have a client that gives birth to an adorably perfect baby!!!  This spares me the 2nd thought of trying to go through with it :)  I get to snuggle their precious baby, take a million photos, and send them home. 
Jen and Matt gave birth to one of the prettiest little girls and I was thrilled when I got the chance to take her pictures.  Macy was 1 week old when I got my hands and my camera on her. 
She was just a gem to work with too.  Curious but cuddly, sweet and sleepy but so alert at times as well.  I can honestly say that I had one of the best times working with her, she was just loving the little poses and curled up situations we put her in.  Plus huge bonus her Mom and Dad were totally laid back and just let me do my thing during the session.
Here are just a couple of my favorite photos from her session last night.

Thank you both for bringing your sweet new baby into the studio and allowing me to work with all three of you! 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Alexandria Wedding Photographer~ The Neumann's {sneak peek}

There is not much to be said about this wedding reception I captured a few weeks ago, other than that these two are face over shoes in love with one another!
Jill & Kris were married earlier this year in a quiet and more private setting.  This was their reception and I am so glad I was able to capture their entire day/evening. 
Married or not, they still did a first look and it was a beautiful moment.  See for yourself how gorgeous this wedding party was and just how incredible this couple really is.


Thank you so much for including me in your very special day!