Sunday, December 6, 2015

Blaine Childrens Photographer~ Abel, 6 months old {Sneak Peek}

Boy oh boy, you know what is even cuter than a little ones milestone session?  Add in an older and very adorable sibling and you about have a melted heart the entire session.  These two boys made this session so much fun. Of course mom and dad on the sidelines helping to crack smiles, distract and make silly sounds along side me was no easy task.  Sabrina and Derek you two are troopers.

Abel is 6 months old, sitting, babbling, and grinning from ear to ear.  Typically those smiles are caught off camera and not on, but we were able to get a few :)

Take a look at this little mans adorable milestone session.  Here are just a few favorites of mine that I just had to share with all of you.

Thank you so much for bringing your sweet family into the studio.  I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the kids change each time I see them.  Abel will be walking before we all know it!

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