Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Veterans Day 2013~ Honoring our heroes through my camera {Full Session}

I have two kids in school, one of which goes to a school a little north of my home and the other that is attending one near home for the first time this year.  With a new school comes new things to learn, and do.  I have been blown away by the school my middle child attends, they are gracious and do so much for the community and their students.  This Monday 11/11/2013 was Veterans Day, and they were absolutely participating in this holiday.

My Dad is a Veteran, a Vietnam Army Veteran to be exact.  I couldn't be more proud than to be the daughter of a military man.  When my son brought home some paperwork regarding a Veterans Breakfast taking place at his school I thought to myself why not ask my Dad to come and be a part of this day at his school.  A few reasons were behind this; one, he is a Veteran himself and two, my son would love to have Grandpa at school with him.  So I asked him and he actually agreed to come.  Now I don't mean that to come off like he wouldn't like to come to school functions for my kids, but at this time my Dad is very ill and I just wasn't sure if he would feel up to it.

I packed up my camera equipment not knowing exactly what to expect, but with all of life's little moments I wanted to take photographs to remember this special day.

Through these photos you can see what was done by the school to honor these great heroes.  I honestly know that the photos do not do this day justice.  I cried, not only because there were so many loved ones lost over America's history of wars but also because seeing how a school, a community can come together in a small fashion and make such an impact just blew me away.  I also was saddened to see the joy on my sons face as he watched his Grandfather and other great men and women be honored, just knowing that this might be the last year we get to honor my Dad while he is with us on this earth.

I hope you can feel as touched as I did when you see these photos.  I know that this day will always be special to me, it always has been but this year, well it will be the one that really holds a place in my heart.

To all of the service men and women I thank you!  And to my Father, My hero, I love you and thank you for everything you've ever done to make an impact on my life and also on my children.

To all of the service men and women I thank you!  And to my Father, My hero, I love you and thank you for everything you've ever done to make an impact on my life and also on my children.

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