Friday, December 5, 2014

Blaine Birthday Photographer~ Callaway turns 4

Where do I begin...  My last baby, my precious goose, my dragonfly, my Callaway.  Where did the last 4 years go?  How does time go by so quickly? 

I was blessed with my third and final sweet baby 4 years ago today, she was born quickly and almost effortlessly.  Born at 35w 5d at 11:49am on 12/5/2010.  She weighed a beautiful 6lbs 9oz and was 19 1/2in long.  She was whisked away to the level 2 nursery, but we knew she was fine and she was. 

I was able to enjoy a fun little session with my sweet girl last night to mark this special day!  Happy birthday Gooey, we love you so very much.  You are so full of spunk and so full of life, I cannot wait to see who you'll become, because we love you more than words already!


1 comment:

  1. Love our baby girl. Love these pictures. Grandma wants a few to show off at work.
