Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Blaine Family Session~ Bachman/Vifquain Family {Sneak Peek}

Growing up with a younger brother was so much fun!  I actually had 2 younger brothers, a younger sister and the coolest older brother!  Now if you ask the younger ones if I was a cool big sister, it would be a unanimous YES ::cough cough:: But really growing up with siblings is awesome and a bond that is formed from childhood is truly unbreakable.  I got to see a glimpse of those times I had as a child through Brooke and her younger brother Cade.  It was so sweet how helpful she was during the session, I mean she was getting a big lollipop afterwards, but I am positive she actually enjoyed helping and making her little brother laugh and smile.

Mom and Dad were just so laid back and fun to work with as well.  Although it was a little dreary and started to sprinkle almost right away, we ended up with a great session.  The colors in the woods were very vibrant and I enjoyed this family of four and the energy that they gave off.

Here are a couple of my most liked shots from their session last weekend.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. 

You can be anything you want in life, but if you can be Batman... Always be Batman

Thank you so much Amanda and Cory for coming to the woods and hiking around a little so I could capture some great family memories through my lens!  It was a pleasure meeting you all and working with you that day.  I look forward to possible future sessions as well.

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