Thursday, September 3, 2015

St. Francis Children's Photographer~ Addison turns 3 & Jaxton turns 1 {Sneak Peek}

You know those sessions that you envision?  The ones that are meant to be so perfect?  You spent days and days planning for them, dreaming them up in your head, spending the money on all of the items to create this mind blowing session. And then

Well that was my session with Addi.  This precious blonde haired, bright eyed toddler turned the big 3 this week, and while I planned this picture perfect session it was a total flop.  There were tears, there was blood, there were mosquito bites that welted to the high heavens, there was mud, oh so much mud.  Although I felt completely defeated and just totally bummed that the hour(s) ::cough cough:: I spent creating a banner and a birthday board didn't go as planned I still have to marvel in the beauty that is Addi.  This little light in the dark is picture perfect all on her own, she doesn't need props, or boards or 50 balloons. No, she is just amazing as is.  Here are just a few images from her session and then a birthday image from her party along with her brother Jaxton who turned one. 

Jaxton's session turned out to be as every one year olds session should, smiles for miles and laughter.  Silly faces and peek a boo is how this session became what it was.  Mom brought him into the studio for his 1 year milestone.  I have been blessed and was able to capture both Jax and Addi's 1st year milestones.  I adored every single minute of it.  It didn't matter if I was peed on, pooped on, spit up on, if there were tears (so many tears), blood, bumps, or bruises.  These two have been amazing little clients and have brought me so much joy.  So here are just a few favorites from both of their sessions.  I hope you enjoy the realism that is the Rock children.  Smiles that can turn any bad day into a good one, and pure spunk!


I love you both.  Thanks for letting me become a part of the family and for letting me capturing your special days.

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